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Pneu-Dart - 3/4" & 1" Needle Darts - Type P & U - 5 Pack

Pneu-Dart - 3/4" & 1" Needle Darts - Type P & U - 5 Pack

Regular price $27.40 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.40 USD
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Disposable darts for use with Pneu-Dart air rifles; delivers drugs to livestock when conventional injection methods are not available. Ideal for small and large animals. Made from aluminum tubing and designed to be accurate under any condition. Color coded yellow. Gel collars make sure the dart stays in place, allowing enough time for delivery of medication. The first and only disposable Slo-Inject® RDD device on the market offers multiple benefits. Offers extended rate of injection with minimal tissue damage; minimizes potential ‘bounce-outs’. For proper drug delivery, it is best to practice with an appropriately sized device, using a 6-inch target until consistent. This will ensure proper drug administration to the species’ neutral O-Zone™ area (on the side of the neck in front of the shoulder).

Aluminum Dart Bodies (3 cc to 10 cc): RDD devices (3.0 cc to 10.0 cc) are laser engraved with the volume of the injectable liquid capacity. With this feature, ‘at-a-glance’ identification will help provide the best treatment possible. Made from aluminum tubing and chemically resistant resin; designed to ensure optimum performance under any condition.

Labeled for: beef and dairy cattle

Species: cattle

 Accurate delivery of medication by dart when restraining the animal is not possible.

Gel collar allows dart retention in the skin to assure medicine delivery; yet liquefies after several minutes to allow the dart to fall out.

Tail design makes dart very stable in flight.

Disposable darts to medicate or capture elusive animals.

Easy to fill; color-coded for fast identification.


o   Dart bodies are made from lightweight aluminum tubing.

o   Do not drop or shake darts as they could detonate.

o   Do not leave RDD devices in hot places. (e.g., dashboards of vehicles sitting in the sun).

o   Not designed to be refrigerated.

o   These RDD devices are used with the following Pneu-Dart Model Projectors: X-Caliber Gauged Projector, X2 Gauged Projector, Model 176B (CO 2 Air), Model 178 B (Air), Model 179B Short Range Projector (CO2), and Model 190B Short Range Projector(Air).

o   Available with 14-gauge cannula in lengths of 3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″ and 2″.

o   For 600+ lbs: 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″ and 2″ cannula lengths are best.

o   Gelatin collars comprise of an inert material retaining the dart in place until the injection is made; yet after several minutes it will liquefy, allowing the RDD device to fall freely from the animal.

o   Green and red gelatin collars: The traditional green color is now used on all end-port discharge cannulas. The red gelatin collars are now assigned to our Tri-Port (end and side port) discharge cannulas.


Bring devices to room temperature before using.

Load the fill-syringe with your desired drug amount. Hold dart in vertical position with needle pointed away from face and insert the required 19-gauge fill-syringe needle (must be 1/2-inch longer than dart needle) into the dart needle.

Fill dart with desired medication amount. Cover dart needle tip with antibiotic cream. Unfired darts should be stored with care in an appropriate container.

Type ‘C’, ‘P’ and ‘U’ RDD devices contain a small explosive charge which detonates on impact and quickly injects the liquid. RDD devices equal to or less than 1 cc do not require retention (wire barb or gelatin collar) due to the rate of injection. Because of the device mechanics, the RDD device will ‘flash’ when activated-a real asset in low-light conditions.

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