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ProZap Protect US

ProZap Protect US

Regular price $99.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $99.50 USD
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Prozap Protectus Pour-On Insecticide IGR is a triple active formula for use on beef cattle and calves that kills chewing and sucking lice, horn flies, stable flies, and horse and deer flies. A unique combination of actives includes an insect growth regulator (IGR), adulticide, and a synergist that provide cattle relief from infestations and producers a reliable solution that helps minimize handling, time, and labor costs. The addition of the insect growth regulator, diflubenzuron, kills louse eggs before they hatch, providing season long control of lice in one application. Contains 3% diflubenzuron, 2.5% piperonyl butoxide, and 0.5% lambda-cyhalothrin.

Apply to beef cattle and calves at the rate of 0.1 oz (3 mL) per 100 lbs of body weight. 0.5 gal size treats 64 - 1,000 lb cattle. 2.5 gal size treats 320 - 1,000 lb cattle.

Neogen Prozap Protectus Pour-On Insecticide Highlights:

  • Manufacturer: Neogen
  • Season long control of lice
  • Ready-To-Use as a Pour-On
  • Kills louse eggs before they hatch
  • Combination of an insect growth regulator, adulticide, and synergist
  • Contains 3% diflubenzuron, 2.5% piperonyl butoxide, and 0.5% lambda-cyhalothrin
  • Kills chewing and sucking lice, horn flies, stable flies, and horse and deer flies on beef cattle and calves
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