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Tomcat with Bromethalin Bait Chunks

Tomcat with Bromethalin Bait Chunks

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Tomcat All-Weather Bait Chunx kills rats, mice and meadow voles. Formulated with the active ingredient diphacinon, a multiple-feed 1st generation anticoagulant. All-Weather Bait Chunx is an economical choice for controlling light-to-moderate rodent infestations. Block style bait with multiple ridges is enticing for rodents to chew. Highly palatable recipe—uses human-grade ingredients with a small amount of paraffin, making it irresistible to nibble. Low-wax content helps maintain palatability and weatherability. Also, resistant to mold and moisture. Designed with a hole through the center to place on rods or nails to secure. Or use in bait stations. Peanut flavored. Ideal for residential and farm use.
Canada Residents: At this time, we are unable to sell/ship this product to Canada per government regulations.

4 lb pail contains 1 oz chunx Convenient 1 oz weather-resistant chunx are mold and moisture resistant and are made with food-grade ingredients for maximum acceptance. Rodents prefer to gnaw on the multiple edges of the blocks. Contains powerful anticoagulant Diphacinone. Blocks can be secured in a bait station. Kills rats and mice in 4-6 days after consumption of lethal dose.

TomCat Bait Chunx 1 oz. 4 lb. Highlights:

  • Manufacturer: Motomco
  • Kills Norway rats, roof rats, and house mice
  • For use in agricultural and rural settings
  • Bromethalin is a potent acute toxicant
  • This product is for indoor/outdoor use.
  • Use in and around agricultural buildings and homes.
  • Ideal for light-to-moderate infestations.
  • Highly palatable, peanut flavored.
  • Irresistible texture encourages gnawing behavior.
  • Rodents stop feeding after eating a toxic dose so more rodents are controlled with less bait
  • Kills anticoagulant resistant Norway rats, roof rats and house mice.
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